❤️“一直到你们有了,我就星期天去买了😋2天我就和老公两人搞定鸟🤣这都怪太好吃了🥰🥮 "❤️  谢谢客户的回馈,你们吃得幸福满意,是我们最大的满足感!!!还没有尝试过【优美】【芋泥千层酥芋泥月饼】的朋友们,现在还可以订哦!!!

❤️“一直到你们有了,我就星期天去买了😋2天我就和老公两人搞定鸟🤣这都怪太好吃了🥰🥮 "❤️ 谢谢客户的回馈,你们吃得幸福满意,是我们最大的满足感!!!还没有尝试过【优美】【芋泥千层酥芋泥月饼】的朋友们,现在还可以订哦!!!

👩‍🍳【新鲜出炉 芋香四溢】【失传已久的芋泥味】😍🥰😋


🛒 优美芋泥月饼】:http://bit.ly/wcyam

🛒 优美芋泥月饼】:http://bit.ly/wcyam

🛒 优美芋泥月饼】:http://bit.ly/wcyam
🥮 优美芋泥询问】:m.me/wonderfulcakehouse
#Wonderfulcakehouse #mooncake #月饼 #芋泥月饼 #优美

👩‍🍳 Fresh from the oven, the overflowing fragrance of taro! The long lost aroma of taro purée!😍🥰😋 Wonderful! The thousand-layer taro purée crispy mooncake is open for business once again! 🔥

This purely handmade mooncake, is made with our personally fried taro purée!This dense and smooth taro purée, combined with a huge salted egg yolk, the feeling of the texture is so delicious! 😋 Most importantly, our Chaozhou mooncake is not oily at all and not too sweet! 👍👍

From the choosing, buying, peeling, cutting to mixing of the taro, and finally putting it into a large pot to stir fry, are all hands-on. No colouring is added! It is really not an easy process, 💪 therefore it is a limited offer. 🙏
🛒 Teochew Yam Mooncake : http://bit.ly/wcyam

From frying to stuffing of the taro and frying the taro purée thousand-layer crisp, everything is done personally and carefully! 😉
💯No preservatives
📆You can choose the delivery date of the taro purée mooncake 🥮 to your home if you purchase online!
🛒 Teochew Yam Mooncake: http://bit.ly/wcyam
💁‍♀️Most importantly, it is freshly produced and no preservative added.
💁‍♀️Most importantly, the taste and colour are original and no artificial colouring added.
💁‍♀️Most importantly, the traditional handmade crispy crust is maintained.
🛒 Teochew Yam Mooncake: http://bit.ly/wcyam
🥮 Teochew Yam Mooncake Query: m.me/wonderfulcakehouse
#Wonderfulcakehouse #mooncake #mooncake #TeochewYamMooncake #wonderful 

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